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Computer Software > Multimedia & Design Software > Sound Editing Software'>

The GRM Tools Complete Collection 2, Native Software Plugin Bundle is a set of 15 amazing plug-ins that have been used by most renowned composers and sound designers around the world. Each GRM Tools plug-in offers powerful and unique sound transformation and audio processing features. Conceived and crafted by the GRM Group (Groupe de Recherches Musicales) of the famous National Audiovisual Institute of Paris (France), GRM Tools 3 is the result of numerous years of research, experimentation and development. The GRM Tools Collection contains 15 AAX, RTAS, VST and Audio Unit Plug-ins and can also be used as Stand-Alone. An AAX, RTAS, VST, Audio Unit host application for plug-in use. Mac OS X 10.8 or higher on Intel processor (32-bit) and (64-bit) Windows 7 and higher (32-bit) and (64-bit) Click here to download the GRM CLASSIC PDF User Guide; Demo Version. Download and try The GRM Tools CLASSIC demo version without limitation of time. (No authorization required).

$ 199.00

Vier effektive Multi-Channel Plugins

GRM Tools Spaces enthält 4 effektive Multi-Channel Plugins, mit denen Sie die Kontrolle darüber übernehmen können, wie sich Ihre Soundquellen durch das Klangfeld bewegen, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um eine einfache Stereodatei, ein Mehrkanal-Setup oder ein Diffusion-Network mit mehreren Lautsprechern handelt. Es gibt Ihnen die Kontrolle darüber, wo Sie Ihren Ton lokalisieren und/oder wohin er sich bewegen soll.

Grm Tools Plugins

Sie erhalten eine noch nie dagewesene Kontrolle über das Schallfeld mit vollständiger Automatisierung der Positionen und können Ihr Signal um bis zu 4 unabhängige Frequenzbänder räumlich verteilen oder sogar bis zu 100 'Grains' räumlicher Positionen erzeugen, die Ihre Sounds nach dem Zufallsprinzip manipulieren können.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Products included in this Bundle

Spaces 3D: Enables you to move around a source of multichannel sound (from 1 to 64 channels) in a multichannel space (from 1 to 64 channels) in three dimensions. The movement can be free, random, or can follow trajectories predetermined by the user.

SpaceGrain: Enables the generation of up to 100 ´grains´ and their placing in a multi-channel sound space.. This gives you 100 points where your sounds are randomly assigned from point to point. Each grain provides a mono site for the sources to be heard. The input channels (up to 8) are randomly allocated to the grains. You can add delay and feedback to create extremely creative effects.

SpaceFilter: Is used to spatialize the signal by using 4 independent frequency bands that you can set. The input signal spectrum is split into 4 independent bands where you choose the center frequency and the bandwidth to which you can apply delay and feedback. The output of each filter can be positioned individually in a multi-channel space (up to 32 channels can be used). You can separate different frequency elements of your source and make different resonances fly between speakers according to the tempo if you want. Your imagination is the only limit as to what you can make happen with Spacefilter.

Spaces: With all its adjustments of the placement, delay, and resonances opens creative possibilities for adding effects that have never been heard before. For post-production mixers it provides a tool to fine-tune their positioning of sources and to accentuate the movements of the sounds which are following the images. It is a new powerful set of tools that can make sounds fly behind you, in front of you, up and down, and of course from side to side in any way you want with total control.

Product Features

  • Elastic String: allows you to achieve smooth movements of controllers

  • Interpolation and gradual transition from one preset to another

  • Agitation feature: Adds random variations to the processing parameters

  • Window resizing: The plug-in window can be resized by clicking and dragging

  • Standalone application

  • MIDI control for all parameters

  • Multichannel output

System Requirements

Grm Tools Vst Download Mediafire

  • AAX Native Plugins
  • Audio-Unit Plugins
  • RTAS Plugins
  • VST Plugins
  • Windows 7 or higher / Mac OS 10.8 or higher

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